ISECG Portal Terms of Use
The Web Portal of the International Space Exploration Coordination Group (ISECG) presents news, information and the latest imagery on ISECG activities to a broad spectrum of people interested in space and space activities.
The Web Portal offers users the possibility to learn more about ISECG and to navigate the site in order to learn more about specific areas and themes. Access to the ISECG Web Portal is provided from ESTEC – ESA, The Netherlands. Disclaime
Access to, and use of, the ISECG website constitutes acceptance of the following general terms and conditions.
Neither ESA/ISECG members nor any other party involved in creating, producing or delivering the website shall be liable for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect or punitive damages arising out of Users’ access to, or use of, the website. The Web Portal does not guarantee the accuracy of information provided by external sources and accepts no responsibility or liability for any consequences arising from the use of such data.
Though ISECG uses the best technical standards to control its site, material on this website may inadvertently include technical inaccuracies or other errors. We should be grateful if users could notify us of any errors or inaccuracies they may find. Please note that users browse and use the website at their own risk. ISECG does not warrant that the functional aspects of the website will be uninterrupted or error free or that this website, or the server that makes it available, are free of viruses or other harmful components. ISECG may change material on the site without prior notice.
Access and Availability of Service and Links
The ISECG site may contain links and references to third-party websites. These are provided for the convenience and interest of users and on the part of ISECG this implies neither responsibility for, nor approval of, information contained in these websites. ISECG makes no warranty, either express or implied, as to the accuracy, availability or content of information, text, graphics which are not under the ‘’ domain. ISECG has not tested any software located on other sites and does not make any representation as to the quality, safety, reliability or suitability of such software.
The contents of the ISECG Web Portal are intended for the personal and non-commercial use of its users. ISECG grants permission to users to visit the site, and to download and copy information, images, documents and materials from the website for users’ personal non-commercial use. ISECG does not grant the right to resell or redistribute any information, documents, images or material from its website or to compile or create derivative works from material on its website. Use of material on the website is subject to the terms and conditions outlined below.
All material published on the ISECG Web Portal is protected by copyright and owned or controlled by ISECG or the party credited as the provider of the content, software or other material.
Users may not modify, publish, transmit, participate in the transfer or sale of, reproduce, create derivative works from, distribute, perform, display or in any way exploit any of the content, software, material or services, in whole or in part, without obtaining prior written authorisation.
Copyright Notice
The ISECG web portal contains images and videos which are offered in the highest resolution available.
Most images have been released publicly from ISECG. You may use ISECG images or videos for educational or informational purposes. The publicly released ISECG images may be reproduced without fee, on the following conditions:
- Credit ISECG as the source of the images: Examples: Photo: ISECG; Photo: ISECG/Cluster; Image: ISECG/ESA – SOHO/LASCO
- ISECG images may not be used to state or imply the endorsement by ISECG or any ISECG representatives of a commercial product, process or service, or used in any other manner that might mislead.
- If an image includes an identifiable person, using that image for commercial purposes may infringe that person‘s right of privacy, and separate permission should be obtained from the individual.
If these images are to be used in advertising or any commercial promotion, layout and copy must be submitted to ISECG beforehand for approval to:
ISECG Secretariat
Some images contained in this Gallery have come from other sources, and this is indicated in the Copyright notice. For re-use of non-ISECG images contact the designated authority.
ISECG Logo: Conditions of Use
By copying the files from this page onto another storage medium or into the bulk memory of a computer, the user accepts the following conditions of use:
Restrictions of Use
Use of the files is restricted to work under contract with ISECG and to publications which have ISECG or an ISECG programme as the main subject. Any other use should be expressly authorised by the International Space Exploration Coordination Group members.
Respect of the original
- Altering the shape of any graphic element on any file is not permitted.
- The colours indicated must be used.
- The ISECG font is to be used exclusively for typesetting the name or creating the logotype of ISECG programmes and projects.
- No other use is permitted.
- The ISECG Title font is to be used for typesetting the names of ISECG member agencies in conjunction with the ISECG Logotype, and for headlines and titles. It is not recommended for body text.
Conditions for Free Use
Use of the files is free of charge under the conditions given.
Commercial Use
It is strictly forbidden to resell the files in question, or to use them otherwise than stated above. In particular, they may not be used for:
- advertising or promoting non-ISECG products or commercial services
- any production that contravenes national or international law
Use of ISECG Videos
The use of ISECG video images in streaming and downloadable format is limited to direct viewing and/or file storage on a single computer per stream and/or download. Forwarding of files or streams to other computers, or use on any non-ISECG Web is prohibited. For the authorisation of any such use, please contact:
ISECG Secretariat:
ESA – European Space Agency
ISECG – International Space Exploration Coordination Group